Protecting your health with vaccines should not be a privilege.

Join the Adult Vaccine Alliance (AVA) in celebrating National Immunization Awareness Week 2024. As leaders in Canada's adult vaccination sphere, we are dedicated to raising awareness and addressing barriers to vaccine uptake of NACI-recommended adult vaccines.

AVA advocates for better access to adult vaccines in Canada – improving health and saving lives.

Access to, and coverage of, National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI)-recommended vaccines varies across Canada.

Provinces and Territories cover some NACI-recommended vaccines and not others. This leads to inequities, as Canadians experience very different access to vaccines depending on where they live.

People in Canada feel that the funding of vaccines is critical.


of respondents in all regions of Canada feel that adult vaccines should be publicly funded.

A recent survey conducted by 19 to Zero found most respondents believe NACI-recommended vaccines should be publicly funded, meaning there is a strong mandate for change.